Movement Intelligence

Because there is no pill for posture.

Bones For Life® offers you an intelligent way to move - encouraging integrated, harmonious, fluid motion. The program is taught in classes or privately, in sessions that are easy, safe, fun and results oriented.  By engaging in carefully designed dynamic weight-bearing activities you not only stimulate your bone strength, but you also discover how to become a smarter mover.
Stimulating bone strength through natural movement and weight bearing posture. With these simple and effective movement lessons you will learn how to:

  • Stimulate your bone strength and experience the biological optimism of a reliable skeleton   
  • Align your posture into safe weight-bearing uprightness   
  • Coordinate a springy and dynamic walk   
  • Develop your skill for restoring equilibrium   
  • Enhance your pleasure of moving
  • and more ...

The Origins

Bones For Life®(BFL), created by senior Feldenkrais Trainer Ruthy Alon and based on Dr. Feldenkrais' approach to somatic learning, is a program for improving self-use through alignment, pressure and rhythm. A quick-acting, results-oriented method for achieving better balance & greater fluidity in the activities of daily life. Experiential training in the natural principles around which your body organizes itself, and within which it operates most effectively.

Based on the teachings of Dr Moshe Feldenkrais, BFL was originally conceived as an approach to the growing need for osteoporosis prevention and reversal, but it was soon recognized as something more, effecting positive changes on multiple levels: physical, emotional, and psychological -- both interpersonally (with others) and intra-personally (with oneself). It seems that tuning the body to better function in gravity holistically affects one's entire being.

The Approach

A major emphasis of BFL is on the unfolding of proper alignment, with it's focus on the varied aspects of ideal posture, and its generous supply of ways to get there. A complementary emphasis is placed on an optimal gait pattern which is inspired by studies of African women who bear heavy loads on their heads with effortless grace and have only five percent of the bone fractures of Western women - despite lower bone density. Their beautiful natural poise and carriage serves as a model for the innate human potential within us all.

What to expect if you attend class?

These classes take place in a variety of positions: lying or sitting on the floor, sitting in a chair, standing, and using the wall for pressure. We also make use of a number of tools: for example seven meters of fabric can be used to bind or bolster, wrist and ankle weights challenge strength. These elements create variety and interest in on-going classes.
Students of BFL may well expect to recapture the pleasures of childhood, while they reduce or even eliminate minor aches and pains, and restore confidence in their bodies as they re-establish their ability to move with both grace and power.